Keimer Bernhard
(Max Plank Institute for Solid State Research)
Bernhard Keimer
Max Plank Institute for Solid State Research
Stuttgart, Germany
We will outline recent results of an experimental program aimed at controlling the phase behavior of correlated electrons through the synthesis and characterization of metal-oxide superlattices, with particular emphasis on copper and nickel oxides. Control parameters include the occupation of transition-metal d-orbitals [1] and the dimensionality of the electron system [2]. In particular, we will demonstrate control of the electron-phonon interaction in cuprate superlattices [3], and of the spin density wave polarization in nickelate superlattices [4]. These results also highlight the power of resonant x-ray scattering [1,4], spectral ellipsometry [2], and Raman scattering [3] as microscopic probes of the electron system in metal-oxide heterostructures and superlattices.
[1] E. Benckiser, M. W. Haverkort, S. Brück, E. Goering, S. Macke, A. Frañó, X. Yang, O. K. Andersen, G. Cristiani, H. U. Habermeier, A. V. Boris, I. Zegkinoglou, P. Wochner, H. J. Kim, V. Hinkov, and B. Keimer, Nature Mater. 10, 189 (2011).
[2] A. V. Boris, Y. Matiks, E. Benckiser, A. Frano, P. Popovich, V. Hinkov, P. Wochner, M. Castro-Colin, E. Detemple, V. K. Malik, C. Bernhard, T. Prokscha, A. Suter, Z. Salman, E. Morenzoni, G. Cristiani, H.-U. Habermeier, and B. Keimer, Science 332, 937 (2011).
[3] N. Driza, S. Blanco-Canosa, M. Bakr, S. Soltan, M. Khalid, L. Mustafa, K. Kawashima, G. Christiani, H.-U. Habermeier, G. Khaliullin, C. Ulrich, M. Le Tacon, and B. Keimer, submitted.
[4] A. Frano, E. Schierle, M. W. Haverkort, Y. Lu, M. Wu, S. Blanco-Canosa,Y. Matiks, A. V. Boris, P. Wochner, G. Cristiani, G. Logvenov, H.U. Habermeier, V. Hinkov, E. Benckiser, E. Weschke, and B. Keimer, in preparation.
Primary author
Keimer Bernhard
(Max Plank Institute for Solid State Research)