22–27 Jul 2012
Embassy Suites Napa Valley
US/Pacific timezone

Log(1/T) flux-flow resistivity: a dynamical signature of vortices in cuprate superconductors

26 Jul 2012, 12:15
Chardonnay Ballroom (Embassy Suites Napa Valley)

Chardonnay Ballroom

Embassy Suites Napa Valley

1075 California Boulevard, Napa, California, United States 94559
Rapid High-Tc Cuprates High Tc Cuprates I


David Broun (Simon Fraser University)


David Broun, Simon Fraser University Xiaoqing Zhou, Simon Fraser University Benjamin Morgan, University of Cambridge Wendell Huttema, Simon Fraser University Darren Peets, University of British Columbia & Max-Planck-Institut für Festkörperforschung, Stuttgart Patrick Turner, Simon Fraser University John Waldram, University of Cambridge Ahmad Hosseini, University of British Columbia Ruixing Liang, University of British Columbia Doug Bonn, University of British Columbia Walter Hardy, University of British Columbia High magnetic fields have played a key role in extending our understanding of the normal state of the cuprate superconductors to low temperatures. Early pulsed-field measurements, by Ando and Boebinger, revealed a transition in the underdoped regime to a state in which resistivity increases with decreasing temperature, with a puzzling log(1/T) form. Recent quantum oscillation studies have provided a wealth of additional information on electronic structure. However, the true nature of the nonsuperconducting ground state remains uncertain. A central issue is the role of local superconducting pairing in the pseudogap regime: to resolve this, a distinct physical signature of the presence of vortices is ideally needed. Our measurements of flux-flow resistivity reveal that the transition from metallic low temperature resistivity to log(1/T) behaviour in fact occurs on the overdoped side of the phase diagram. Working deep within the superconducting phase, with the cleanest available samples of YBCO and Tl2201, we take a different approach from previous experiments and measure the response of vortices to microwave-frequency driving currents. This circumvents flux pinning and reveals a log(1/T) flux-flow resistivity that persists throughout the superconducting region of the cuprate phase diagram. This includes a regime at high carrier dopings in which the normal-state transport is Fermi-liquid-like, indicating that the log(1/T) flux-flow resistivity observed in the superconducting state is not simply a reflection of the normal state, but a dynamical property of the vortices themselves. This would imply, in turn, that the log(1/T) resistivity seen in the pseudogap phase is a signature of vortex fluctuations and therefore that local superconducting pairing persists to high magnetic fields in the underdoped cuprates.

Primary author

David Broun (Simon Fraser University)

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