22–27 Jul 2012
Embassy Suites Napa Valley
US/Pacific timezone

Vortex-State Electrodynamics in Superconducting Thin Films Studied by Far-Infrared Spectroscopy

24 Jul 2012, 20:00
Fountain Court (Embassy Suites Napa Valley)

Fountain Court

Embassy Suites Napa Valley

Board: 81
Poster High-Tc Cuprates Poster Session 2


Xiaoxiang Xi (Brookhaven National Lab)


Xiaoxiang Xi,a,b) G. L. Carr,a) J.-H. Park,c) D. Graf c) and D. B. Tanner b) a) Photon Sciences, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973 b) Department of Physics, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 c) National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32310 In a type-II superconductor, a magnetic field above the lower critical field creates vortices and dramatically changes the superconductor's electrodynamic response. Such changes have been observed in thin film samples by our infrared magneto-spectroscopy experiments with field normal to the film surface. The complex optical conductivity was extracted, and was compared to effective medium theories for the electrodynamic response of the vortex state. We found a good agreement between our optical data and the Maxwell Garnett theory, which treats the mixed state as having normal-metal disks (representing the vortex cores) surrounded by superconductor. Our data also show the effect of magnetic-field-induced pair breaking on the superconducting fraction outside of the vortices.

Primary author

Xiaoxiang Xi (Brookhaven National Lab)

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