22–27 Jul 2012
Embassy Suites Napa Valley
US/Pacific timezone

Many-body interactions in graphene and graphite via infrared magnetospectroscopy

24 Jul 2012, 12:00
Chardonnay Ballroom (Embassy Suites Napa Valley)

Chardonnay Ballroom

Embassy Suites Napa Valley

1075 California Boulevard, Napa, California, United States 94559
Rapid Graphene Graphene II


Zhigang Jiang (Georgia Insitute of Technology)


Li-Chun Tung (Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of North Dakota) Wenlong Yu (School of Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology) Jean-Mari Poumirol (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory) Dmitry Smirnov (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory) Zhigang Jiang (School of Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology) The electronic band structures of graphene and graphite exhibit unusual low-energy dispersion relation, radically different from the parabolic bands common to conventional two-dimensional semiconductors. Most interestingly, the charge carriers in graphitic systems mimic relativistic, massless Dirac particles, leading to intriguing new phenomena. In this talk, I focus on infrared optical studies of graphene and graphite in high magnetic fields (up to 35 T). In particular, we resolved resonances between hole Landau levels and electron Landau levels (intraband transitions), as well as resonances between hole and electron Landau levels (interband transitions). We argue that many-body correlations of massless Dirac Fermions, considering electron-electron, electron-phonon and electron-plasmon interactions, contribute considerably to our experimental results. Our work suggests that rich interacting physics exists in graphitic materials, which may have profound implications in future optoelectronics.

Primary author

Zhigang Jiang (Georgia Insitute of Technology)

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