22–27 Jul 2012
Embassy Suites Napa Valley
US/Pacific timezone

ARPES evidence of translational symmetry breaking in superconducting Fe(Te1-xSex)

24 Jul 2012, 20:00
Fountain Court (Embassy Suites Napa Valley)

Fountain Court

Embassy Suites Napa Valley

Board: 67
Poster High-Tc Cuprates Poster Session 2


Marco Grioni P.-H. Lin (ICMP-EPFL)


L. Moreschini[1], P.-H. Lin[2,3], A. Bostwick[1], E. Rotenberg[1], E. Giannini[4], R.Viennois[4], K.W. Yeh[5], M.K. Wu[5], and M. Grioni[2] 1 Advanced Light Source, LBNL, Berkeley, CA 94720 (USA) 2 Institute of Condensed Matter Physics, EPFL, CH-1015 Lausanne (Switzerland) 3 LPS, Université de Paris-sud, F-91140 Orsay (France) 4 DPMC, Université de Genève, CH-1211 Genève (Switzerland) 5 Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Nankang, Taipei, Taiwan In systems with coexisting translational periodicities, the momentum distribution of the ARPES spectral weight A(k,ω) encodes the strength of the underlying potentials [1,2]. We have performed an unusually broad survey of k-space in superconducting Fe(Te1-xSex) samples, covering several Brillouin zones. We find that A(k,ω) does not exhibit the overall periodicity of the crystal, with a unit cell (Fe2) containing two formula units. A(k,ω)follows instead the periodicity of the Fe layer, with a smaller and rotated (Fe1) unit cell. This result demonstrates that translational symmetry is broken in the “11” phase, most likely by a modulation of the positions of the chalcogen atoms. [1] J. Voit et al., Science 290, 501 (2000). [2] C.-H. Lin et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 257001 (2011).

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