Berkeley Jet Physics Jubilee - A symposium on jet physics in high-energy heavy-ion collisions on the occasion of Barbara Jacak and Peter Jacobs' 60th Birthdays

Building 66 Auditorium, room 217 (LBL-Hill)

Building 66 Auditorium, room 217


1 Cyclotron Road Berkeley 94720 USA

Jet physics has played an important role as a probe of the properties of the quark-gluon plasma in high-energy heavy-ion collisions. The confirmation of jet quenching phenomena and subsequent precision measurements have established the dense matter created in experiments at the Relativistic Heavy-ion Collider (RHIC) and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) as most opaque and perfect fluid in nature. We will organize a Berkeley Jet Physics Jubilee, a two day symposium at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory on July 2-3, 2018, to discuss the current status and future prospective on jet physics and related topics in high-energy heavy-ion collisions. The BJPJ symposium is organized on the occasion of the 60th birthdays of Barbara Jacak and Peter Jacobs who made seminal contributions to experimental studies of jet physics in heavy-ion collisions. The symposium follows the annual JETSCAPE collaboration meeting held on the campus of UC Berkeley (web link:


Grazyna Odyniec Mateusz Ploskon. Anne Sickles, Xin-Nian Wang, Marco van Leeuwen



Event admin: Lady Bonifacio