Claude Deutsch
17/08/2012, 08:30
Invited talk
C. Deutsch (1) and N. A. Tahir (2)
(1) LPGP UParis-Sud, Orsay, France
(2) GSI 1 Planckstr., Darmstadt, Germany
The present status of intense and heavy ion beams in the multi MeV/a.m.u energy range and interacting with dense plasma targets at solid density with a few eV temperature is respectively timely reviewed from the heavy ion driven ICF and warm dense matter (WDM) perspectives....
J. Hasegawa
(1Department of Energy Sciences, Tokyo Institute of Technology)
17/08/2012, 08:55
Invited talk
J. Hasegawa (1); K. Kondo, Y. Oguri (2); and K. Horioka (1)
(1) Department of Energy Sciences, Tokyo Institute of Technology,
4259 Nagatsuta-cho, Midori-ku, Yokohama 226-8502, Japan
(2) Research Laboratory for Nuclear Reactors, Tokyo Institute of Technology 2-12-1 Ookayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8550, Japan
Ion beam focusing using cone optics has recently been examined experimentally...
Toru Sasaki
(Nagaoka University of Technology)
17/08/2012, 09:20
Invited talk
Toru Sasaki, Yasutoshi Miki, Fumitaka Tachinami, Hirotaka Saito, Takuya Takahashi, Nobuyuki Anzai, Takashi Kikuchi, and Nob. Harada
Nagaoka University of Technology
Kamitomioka 1603-1, Nagaoka, Niigata, 940-2188, Japan
Warm dense matter (WDM) is of key interest to understand the fusion developments such as an efficient target structure for inertial fusion and/or the first wall of...
Alex Ortner
(GSI Darmstadt)
17/08/2012, 10:00
Invited talk
A. Ortner (1,2); S. Bedacht, S. Busold 2, W. Cayzac, O. Deppert (2); S. Faik (3); A. Frank (1); A. Knetsch, D. Kraus, T. Rienecker (2); D. Schuhmacher (1); F. Wagner (2);
M.M. Basko (3,4); V. Bagnoud (2); A. Blazevic (1); G. Schaumann, M. Roth (2).
(1) Institut für Kernphysik, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
(2) GSI-Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt,...
I. V. Lomonosov
(Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics RAS)
17/08/2012, 10:25
Invited talk
I.V. Lomonosov
Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics RAS, Chernogolovka, Moscow reg., 142432, RUSSIA
Physical processes arising under conditions of extreme energy densities, such as hypervelocity impacts, action of powerful energy fluxes on condensed matter and others, are typical domains of Warm Dense Matter. They are of interest for fundamental investigations and for numerous...
Markus Roth
17/08/2012, 10:50
Invited talk
Markus Roth
Los Alamos National Laboratory, Technische Universität Darmstadt
Ion beams at highest intensities can be provided using either accelerator facilities of high energy short pulse lasers. The synergy of using these two different techniques can lead to a better understanding of the physics of intense beams, the interaction with matter and the production of useful secondary...