Peter Seidl
14/08/2012, 08:30
Invited talk
Peter Seidl (LBNL) , J.J. Barnard (LLNL), A. Faltens (LBNL), A. Friedman (LLNL), W. Sharp (LLNL), W. Waldron (LBNL)
For heavy-ion driven inertial fusion energy, induction accelerators are appealing because of their higher efficiency and of the demonstrated capability to accelerate high beam current (10 kA in some applications). Accomplishments and challenges are summarized. HIF R&D has...
K. Takayama
(1High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
14/08/2012, 09:20
Invited talk
K. Takayama (1,2,3); K. Okamura1, T. Adachi (1,2); T. Arai, D. Arakawa (1); H. Asao (4); Y. Barata, S. Harada (5); T. Iwashita (6); E. Kadokura (1); T. Kawakubo1, T. Kubo1, Liu Xingguang (1,3); H. Nakanishi (1); Y. Okada (4); K. Okazaki (6); Y. Ohsawa (7); H. Someya (1); Leo Kwee Wah (2); M. Wake (1); and T. Yoshimoto (1,3)
(1) High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), Tsukuba,...
B. Beaudoin
(Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics)
14/08/2012, 10:05
Invited talk
B. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, T. Koeth and Y. Mo
Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics
University of Maryland - College park, Maryland, 20742, USA
A unique challenge for heavy ion fusion drivers is achieving sufficiently low emittances and small energy spread in the presence of intense space-charge to achieve the high deposition densities necessary...
Peter-Juergen Spiller
(GSI Darmstadt)
14/08/2012, 10:30
Invited talk
Peter Spiller
GSI, Darmstadt 64291, Germany
New developments for the FAIR accelerator complex and the present status of operation and performance of the GSI accelerator facilities are presented and compared to the GSI HIDIF study approach. New technical solutions and developments with relevance to the RF based HIF driver scenario will be presented. Technical challenges and issues for...
L. R. Grisham
(Princeton University Plasma Physics Laboratory)
14/08/2012, 10:55
Invited talk
L. R. Grisham, A. von Halle, A. F. Carpe, Guy Rossi, K. R. Gilton, E. D. Macbride, E. P. Gilson, A. Stepanov, T. N. Stevenson
Princeton University Plasma Physics Laboratory
P. O. Box 451, Princeton, New Jersey, 08543, USA
The voltage which can be sustained across any given distance in a vacuum without engendering electrical breakdown forms the principle constraint upon the performance...
Robert Burke
(Fusion Power Corporation)
14/08/2012, 11:20
Invited talk
Robert Burke
Fusion Power Corporation
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
In the closing summary of the 4th international HIF workshop in 1979, Burton Richter declared the RF driver fatally flawed because of the “black cloud” problem in storage rings. The Single Pass RF Driver (SPRFD) concept arose in part from the need to dispel that cloud. Eliminating storage rings from the driver concept does that,...