NSD Staff Meeting

    • 11:00 11:05
      Announcements 5m
      Speaker: Yue Shi Lai
    • 11:05 11:15
      Safety Minute 10m
      Speaker: Jeffrey Bramble (NSD)
    • 11:15 11:30
      Community Minute 15m
      Speakers: Ernst Sichtermann, Hannah Parrilla, Heather Crawford, Mark Bandstra, Reiner Kruecken (LBNL), Thomas MacDonald, Tom Gallant (LBNL)
    • 11:30 12:05
      Transitions of few-hadron systems from QCD 35m

      The study of multi-hadron transitions brings to light information, beyond what masses and decay properties can tell us, about the short-lived resonances in the QCD spectrum. The lattice formulation of QCD (LQCD) can access these non-perturbative observables from first-principles, provided systematic effects can be kept under control. I will describe robust techniques that have been devised to remove power-law finite-volume systematics effects that arise when extracting multi-hadron observables. These techniques will be described in the context of a recent calculation of the vector form factor of the pion, where both spacelike and timelike regions where extracted simultaneously.

      Speakers: Felipe Ortega Gama (UC Berkeley), Felipe Ortega Gama (UC Berkeley)