Conferences will be offline for about 30 minutes on Thursday, March 13 starting at 5PM while the system is upgraded.

30 September 2013 to 4 October 2013
US/Pacific timezone


1 Oct 2013, 08:35


Dr Takako Miura (KEK)


The various projects in KEK are in upgrade or construction stage. STF is a test facility of the superconducting RF. The beam operation was performed for the first time in the STF. Compact Energy Recovery Linac(cERL) is the test facility for the future 3-GeV ERL plan. The construction of injector of cERL was finished. The beam commissioning of the injector was performed for 2 months before this summer. The SuperKEKB is now under construction. The injector is also being upgraded. The high power test by using new LLRF system was performed. The digital feedback boards being employed in cERL, STF, and SuperKEKB are the almost same. Good performance was obtained at the each system. For J-PARC, the injection energy to RCS will be upgraded to 400 MeV for increase beam intensity. The new ACS cavities are installed and operated at a frequency of three times higher than the current one. I will summarize the status of the LLRF systems of the current progress projects at KEK.

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