30 September 2013 to 4 October 2013
US/Pacific timezone

Cern Highlights 2011-2013 (Lab Talk)

1 Oct 2013, 10:02


Dr Wolfgang Hofle (CERN)


An overview will be given over the CERN LLRF highlights of the last two years with an outlook into the future. This includes operation and optimization of the LHC LLRF system for luminosity production of the LHC run I. Moreover, preparations are under way for the upgrades of the LHC injectors and the LHC itself with an ambitious plan of increasing LHC luminosity both for protons and ion operation. Amongst the new accelerators that require dedicated LLRF systems are the low intensity HIE-Isolde superconducting Linac for radioactive ions, the new H- Linac, “LINAC4” and an anti-proton decelerator project “ELENA” that has been launched. Testing of accelerating structures at 12 GHz for a future linear collider (“CLIC”) continues and activities for LLRF for superconducting cavities is ramping up with the demand of sophisticated feedback systems for crab cavities for LHC as well as general cavity testing for future accelerators.

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