Sep 8 – 13, 2013
Asilomar, California
US/Pacific timezone

Future Geo-Neutrino Experiments

Sep 9, 2013, 2:20 PM
Asilomar, California

Asilomar, California

Asilomar Conference Grounds, 800 Asilomar Avenue, Pacific Grove, CA 93950-3704
Oral Low-Energy Neutrinos (solar, reactor, supernova, and geo neutrinos and also nuclear astrophysics associated with these sources) Low Energy Neutrinos I


Prof. Mark Chen (Queen's University)


A summary of future geo-neutrino experiments (e.g. SNO+, Hanohano and LENA) will be presented. The combination of results from multiple geo-neutrino experiments offers potential for discriminating between several Earth composition models. Future scientific goals for geo-neutrinos and new techniques being investigated will also be discussed.

Primary author

Prof. Mark Chen (Queen's University)

Presentation materials

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