Sep 8 – 13, 2013
Asilomar, California
US/Pacific timezone

Dark matter searches at the LHC

Sep 12, 2013, 2:00 PM
Asilomar, California

Asilomar, California

Asilomar Conference Grounds, 800 Asilomar Avenue, Pacific Grove, CA 93950-3704
Oral Dark Matter Dark Matter VII


Artur Apresyan (Caltech)


We present results of searches for dark matter particles in ATLAS and CMS experiments at the LHC. Searches in hadron colliders focus on final states consisting of direct production of a pair of dark matter particles, which escape direct detection. Candidate events are selected as those having an initial-state radiation of a SM particle, such as a gluon or photon. These searches result in final states consisting of a high pt jet or photon, and large missing transverse energy. If the dark matter particles' couplings to up-type and down-type quarks have opposite signs, the mono-W boson production dominates. We report on the results of these searches in pp-collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 8 TeV collected in 2012. The results are translated to bounds on the dark matter-nucleon scattering cross-section, which can be directly compared to those from the direct detection and the indirect detection experiments.

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