Sep 8 – 13, 2013
Asilomar, California
US/Pacific timezone

Physics beyond neutrinoless double-beta decay with a tonne­‐scale germanium experiment

Sep 11, 2013, 7:30 PM
2h 30m
Asilomar, California

Asilomar, California

Asilomar Conference Grounds, 800 Asilomar Avenue, Pacific Grove, CA 93950-3704
Poster Double Beta Decay Poster Session


Reyco Henning (U. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)


This talk will discuss the other physics opportunities that might be possible with a tonne-scale enriched germanium neutrinoless double-beta decay experiment. These include direct searches for light WIMP dark matter, solar axions, coherent neutrino-nuclear scattering, electron decay, Pauli-exclusion principle violation, fractionally charged particles in cosmic-rays, and other processes. We will discuss these in the context of the Majorana Demonstrator and GERDA experiments that are working toward the detection of the neutrinoless double-beta decay of the Ge76 isotope using enriched germanium detectors. The collaborations intend to join to pursue a tonne-scale germanium experiment, combining the best technologies from both experiments.

Primary author

Reyco Henning (U. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

Presentation materials

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