Shigetaki Moriyama
(ICRR,University of Tokyo)
"The XMASS experiment aims for direct detection of dark matter
using single-phase liquid xenon. The current phase XMASS-I detector has the largest mass of the target (835kg in total, 100kg in a fiducial volume) and achieves the lowest energy threshold (0.3keV electron equivalent). A next phase detector, XMASS-1.5, with total 5ton (1ton in a fidicual volume) of liquid xenon is planned to start in 2015. In this talk, we will report results on searches with the XMASS-I (low mass WIMPs, solar axions, annual modulation of event rate at low energy, and inelastic scattering of 129Xe nuclei by WIMPs),
current status of hardware modification of XMASS-I for reducing background, and progress of designing XMASS-1.5."
Primary author
Shigetaki Moriyama
(ICRR,University of Tokyo)