Felix Kahlhoefer
(University of Oxford)
9/10/13, 4:00 PM
Dark Matter
The CDMS-II collaboration has reported 3 events in a Si detector, which are consistent with being nuclear recoils due to scattering of Galactic dark matter particles with a mass of about 8.6 GeV and a cross-section on neutrons of about 2 x 10^-41 cm^2. In my presentation I will discuss the tension between this result and upper bounds from the XENON10 and XENON100 experiments and under what...
Eugenio Del Nobile
9/10/13, 4:20 PM
Dark Matter
Direct detection DM searches are plagued with astrophysical uncertainties, like the unknown DM velocity distribution and its local density. To circumvent this problem, a way to present direct detection data without making assumptions on the DM halo has been formulated and recently extended to any (elastic or inelastic) DM-nuclei interaction.
We apply this formalism to study the compatibility...
Daniel Nieto
(Columbia University)
9/10/13, 4:40 PM
Dark Matter
The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is an international project for a next-generation ground-based gamma-ray observatory. CTA, conceived as an array of few tens of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes, is aiming to improve on the sensitivity of current-generation experiments by an order of magnitude, with an energy coverage from more than thirty GeV to 100 TeV. CTA can provide clues about...
Osamu Seto
(Hokkai-Gakuen University)
9/10/13, 5:00 PM
Dark Matter
We show that mostly right-handed Dirac sneutrino is a viable supersymmetric light dark matter candidate. While the Dirac sneutrino scattering with nuclei is dominantly through the Z boson exchange and is stringently constrained by the invisible decay width of Z boson, events observed at direct dark matter searches such as CDMS II-Si or CoGeNT can be account for.
Wick Haxton
(UC Berkeley)
9/10/13, 5:20 PM
Dark Matter
Recently Galilean-invariant effective field theory has been used to determine the general low-energy forms of both the WIMP-nucleon interaction and the elastic WIMP-nucleus interaction. This construction shows that the standard spin-independent/spin-dependent analysis of dark-matter scattering experiments can be quite misleading: by neglecting four of the six allowed elastic response...
Patrick deNiverville
(University of Victoria)
9/10/13, 5:40 PM
Dark Matter
Low mass dark matter theories, if produced as a thermal relic in the early universe, must be accompanied by light mediators in order to obtain the dark matter abundance observed in the present day universe. These light mediators in turn provide a channel for the production of dark matter at fixed target neutrino experiments, producing a relativistic dark matter beam, which could then be...