Markus Ahlers
(Univ. of Wisconsin)
9/11/13, 4:00 PM
High-Energy Astrophysics (includes all cosmic ray physics)
Cosmic ray (CR) interactions with the cosmic radiation background are a guaranteed source of high-energy neutrinos. The most optimistic scenario assumes the dominance of CR protons at ultra-high energies (UHE) that rapidly interact with the cosmic microwave background above the Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin (GZK) cutoff. The GZK neutrino prediction of this scenario is testable with present and...
Bakhtiyar Ruzybayev
(University of Delaware)
9/11/13, 4:20 PM
High-Energy Astrophysics (includes all cosmic ray physics)
We report on the measurement of the all-particle cosmic ray energy spectrum and composition with IceCube. Results of two different techniques will be presented. The first result is a measurement of the all-particle cosmic ray energy spectrum in the energy range from 1.58 PeV to 1.26 EeV using the IceTop air shower array, which is the surface component of the IceCube Neutrino Observatory at the...
Andreas Haungs
(KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
9/11/13, 4:40 PM
High-Energy Astrophysics (includes all cosmic ray physics)
Investigations of the energy spectrum as well as the mass composition of cosmic rays in the energy range of PeV to EeV are important for understanding both, the origin of the galactic and the extragalactic cosmic rays. The multi-detector arrangement of KASCADE and its extension KASCADE-Grande was designed for observations of cosmic ray air showers in this energy range. Most important result...