9:15 AM
Strategic goals of my GARD Program
Mike Sumption
(MSE, The Ohio State University)
9:30 AM
Strategic goals of the FSU GARD Program
David Larbalestier
(National High Magnetic Field Laboratory)
9:45 AM
Bi-2212 conductor development - new thinking/design/ideas
Eric Hellstrom
Jianyi Jiang
10:00 AM
Bi2212 Powder Development in Support of the HTS Community
Daniel Bugaris
10:15 AM
Long length evaluation of REBCO with continuous in-field transport at 77K
Xinbo Hu
10:30 AM
Evaluation of Jc(H,theta,T) up to 40 T in many same-specification REBCO tapes
Dima Abraimov
10:45 AM
Magnet conductor development at SuperPower
Drew Hazelton
(SuperPower Inc.)
11:00 AM
Magnet conductor development at S-Innovations
Alex Molodyk
11:15 AM