Dmitry Soustin
Symposium - Making, Measuring and Manipulating Two-Dimensional Matter
PbCl2, SnCl2, BaCl2 and BaI2 all fall into a category of crystals known at AX2 compounds. At ambient pressure, these materials are analogue compounds that crystallize at ambient conditions in the cotunnite (orthorhombic, Pnam) structure. The next phase (post-cotunnite (monoclinic, P1121/a)) is claimed to be the final step in the structural sequence for AX2 compounds by Leger et al [1]. This...
Corinne Allen
Symposia - Product-Driven Research at the Molecular Foundry
This is a test abstract. I really like that markdown and latex is accepted in this interface as text boxes alone are really annoying.
Maybe add some instructions if were going to have a drop down menu for the type of submission.
Kristen Aramthanapon
(Sylvatex Inc.)
Symposia - Structural and Functional Diversity in Porous Soft Materials
Blah blah blah