18 April 2016 to 18 May 2016
Molecular Foundry
US/Pacific timezone

Preparing AX2 compounds in a dry glove box.

Not scheduled
Bldg 67, 3rd floor (Molecular Foundry)

Bldg 67, 3rd floor

Molecular Foundry

Symposium - Making, Measuring and Manipulating Two-Dimensional Matter


Mr Dmitry Soustin (LBNL)


PbCl2, SnCl2, BaCl2 and BaI2 all fall into a category of crystals known at AX2 compounds. At ambient pressure, these materials are analogue compounds that crystallize at ambient conditions in the cotunnite (orthorhombic, Pnam) structure. The next phase (post-cotunnite (monoclinic, P1121/a)) is claimed to be the final step in the structural sequence for AX2 compounds by Leger et al [1]. This holds significance because these compunds are iso-sturctural with a high pressure phase of silica, which is believed to be the primary component of rocky exoplanets.

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