SMP Materials

Introduction to High Temperature Superconducting Materials and Magnet Technologies (Part I)

by Tengming Shen


Speaker: Tengming Shen

Introduction to High Temperature Superconducting Materials and Magnet Technologies (Part I)


After three decades of arduous development, three high-Tc cuprate materials have been developed into long-length composite conductors with high critical current density at magnetic fields or temperatures beyond the reach of Nb-Ti and Nb3Sn materials. Applications are emerging, including magnets for >1 GHz NMR spectroscopy, high-field fusions, and the next generation of high energy particle colliders. In this two-part seminar, we will learn the design, fabrication, electromagnetic properties, and practical engineering properties of state-of-the-art high-temperature superconducting tape, wire, and cable conductors. We will also review and discuss the design and key aspects of HTS magnet technologies, including magnetization and shielding current effects, quench detection and protection, and management of stress and strains.

Part I Tengming Shen (this seminar)

Part II: Xiaorong Wang (see

Organised by

Ian Pong

Staff Scientist