8:00 AM
Independent Fission Product Yields from 0.5 to 20 MeV
Jack Winkelbauer
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
8:17 AM
Measurements of Independent Fission Product Yields
Kristina Montoya
8:34 AM
Energy dependent fission product yields
Matthew Gooden
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
8:51 AM
Fission product yield and gamma production evaluation
Toshihiko Kawano
9:08 AM
Integral Fission Product Yields
Todd Bredeweg
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
9:25 AM
Beta-strength function, reactor decay heat, and anti-neutrino properties from total absorption spectroscopy of fission fragments
9:42 AM
Improving the double-differential 238U(n,n’g) cross section using neutron-gamma coincidences
Lee Bernstein
10:20 AM
Neutron Scattering Cross Sections: (n,n'), (n,n'g), and (n,g) Measurements
Jeff Vanhoy
(US Naval Academy)
10:37 AM
Modernization and Optimization of the Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File
Libby McCutchan
10:54 AM
Gamma Rays Induced by Neutrons
David Brown
11:01 AM
White-source neutron-gamma coincidence measurements of gamma production cross sections at LANSCE
Matthew Devlin
11:08 AM
ß-energy spectral shapes in fission products affecting reactor decay heat and anti-neutrino flux
Bertis Rasco
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
11:15 AM
Two and Three-body Photodisintegration of the Triton at Energies Below 30 MeV
Calvin Howell
(Duke University and TUNL)
11:22 AM
Designing Nuclear-data Measurements that Resolve Discrepancies in Existing Data
David Brown
11:29 AM
Modern Structure-based Nuclear Data Evaluations for Basic Science, Nuclear Safety & Security
Amy Lovell
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
11:36 AM
Solving the 56Mn puzzle
Marian Jandel
(University of Massachusetts Lowell)
11:43 AM
NSAC Report
Lee Bernstein