11:00 AM
Jets at the EIC , experimental considerations
Brian Page
11:40 AM
Jets and spin asymmetries at NLO
Werner Vogelsang
1:30 PM
Jet angularities at the EIC
Kyle Lee
2:10 PM
Jets at the EIC , experimental considerations
Miguel Arratia
(UC Berkeley)
2:50 PM
Probing Transverse-Momentum Distributions With Groomed Jets
Varun Vaidya
3:30 PM
DIS events shapes and alpha_s
Christopher Lee
4:30 PM
Diffractive dijets at the EIC
Yoshitaka Hatta
5:10 PM
Parton Energy Loss and the Generalized Jet Transport Coefficient
Yuan-Yuan Zhang
5:50 PM
Jet simulations in e-A with JETSCAPE
Kolja Kauder