EIC Research




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Meeting ID: 510 486 6608

    • 14:00 14:10
      News and discussions 10m


      1. ePIC spokesperson election (vote closed on March 10)

      2. Result release policy 

        1. Key number: 1 week to make decisions. Need to send request two weeks in advance for conference usage.

        2. Policy adaption timeline: comments to Rongrong Ma ([email protected])  before March 14. Then a vote will be set up


      1. ESPPU(European Strategy for Particle Physics Update): Synergies between a U.S.-based Electron-Ion Collider and the European research in Particle Physics

        1. Final draft (March 6) https://zenodo.org/records/14864328

        2. Feedback form 

          1. ePIC: https://forms.gle/u58jDNRrD9rpPb8J7 deadline Mar 17

          2. EICUG: https://forms.gle/1J5BrMZtYKu4cVys9 deadline Mar 25



      1. Group participation in the ePIC general meetings ?



      • Si disk paving

        • Additional consideration: 

          • Odd v.s. Even rows around the beampipe

          • Thickness of the disk: add a few mm of overlap

          • FPC connections for near/far tiles ?

    • 14:10 14:40
      Si endcap disk paving 30m
      Speakers: Ernst Sichtermann, Rita Sadek
    • 14:40 15:00
      Workflow for performance study (postponed) 20m

      Disk position as an example

      Speakers: Amir Abdou (Berkeley Lab), Ashish Pandav, Shujie Li