The Nuclear Structure 2022 conference was held onsite at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in June 2022.
Nuclear Structure 2022 (NS2022) was the 18th in a biennial series of nuclear structure conferences organized by North American national laboratories. Previous meetings in this series have been held in East Lansing (NSCL), Knoxville (ORNL), Vancouver (TRIUMF), and Argonne (ANL). These conferences are devoted to recent experimental and theoretical developments in the research on nuclei near the limits of isospin, spin and excitation energy. Nuclear Structure 2020 was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Nuclear Structure 2022 was held onsite at LBNL in Berkeley, CA, hosted by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, with an opening reception Sunday, June 12th, and a scientific program running Monday, June 13th through Friday, June 17th, 2022. We thank the sponsors, organizers and all participants for making this a great conference!

See everyone in 2024 for the next Nuclear Structure conference to be organized by Argonne National Laboratory!