13–17 Jun 2022
Berkeley, CA
US/Pacific timezone

Exploring the Level Structure of $^{59}$Co and $^{61}$Co

Not scheduled
Berkeley, CA

Berkeley, CA

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Oral Poster Presentations Poster Session


Samuel Ajayi (Florida State University)


Fusion evaporation reaction induced by a beam of 43MeV $^{14}$C on $^{48}$Ti and $^{50}$Ti targets has been used to populate the high spin levels in $^{59}$Co and $^{61}$Co. Emitted γ rays were detected using the FSU clover array which consists of 6 high purity germanium clover detectors (with BGO shields for Compton suppression) and a few single-crystal detectors all placed at 3 different angles. The directional correlation from oriented states (DCO ratio) was measured using ratios of intensities from detectors at 90$^o$ and 135$^o$. The polarization was also measured, which in addition to the DCO ratio was used to determine the spin and parity of the energy levels. Previously known spins in the $^{59}$Co were confirmed and their parity was assigned. The level scheme of the $^{59}$Co has been extended to 11139keV with Jπ = 31/2$^+$. Positive states were also observed in $^{61}$Co which has not been observed in previous studies. The results were compared with the theoretical shell-model calculations within the fp-g$_{9/2}$ shells valence space and were found to agree up to the single-particle excitation. The positive parity states show some regularity with strong M1 transitions indicating magnetic rotation in the bands. This work was supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation under grant number Phy-2012522.

Primary author

Samuel Ajayi (Florida State University)


Dr James (Mitch) Allmond (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) Caleb Benetti (Florida State University) Rebeka Sultana Lubna (TRIUMF) Elizabeth Rubino (Florida State University) Noritaka Shimizu (Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo, Japan) Samuel Tabor (Florida State University ) Vandana Tripathi (Florida State University ) Yutaka Utsuno (Advanced Science Research Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency)

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