13–17 Jun 2022
Berkeley, CA
US/Pacific timezone

Alpha-clusters studies in light nuclei using SOLARIS AT-TPC

Not scheduled
Berkeley, CA

Berkeley, CA

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Oral Poster Presentations Poster Session


Dr Nabin Rijal (FRIB, Michigan State University)


In light nuclei, the quantum states formed near the cluster-separation threshold favor a large degree of cluster configurations. The $^{10}$Be is a well-known cluster nucleus, with a set of states having very large $\alpha$ widths and very small neutron strengths, consistent with the valence neutrons orbiting around the 2-$\alpha$ cores. The cluster decay branching ratios and cluster content are largely uncertain. We recently performed a $^{10}$Be+d experiment with the newly commissioned SOLARIS in AT-TPC (Active Target Time Projection Chamber) mode. The AT-TPC was filled with pure deuterium gas at 600 Torr. A cocktail beam of $^{10}$Be at 9.6 MeV/u from the ReA6 was delivered to the AT-TPC placed inside the SOLARIS solenoid energized at 3T. Charged particles emitted from multiple reaction channels (d,p), (d,d'), (d,t), (d,$^3$He), (d,$\alpha$) were identified with their magnetic rigidity and energy-loss profiles. The 7.54-MeV 2$^+$ resonance state in inelastically scattered $^{10}$Be is observed, which is just 0.133 MeV above the alpha-decay threshold. The decay of inelastically scattered $^{10}$Be$^*\rightarrow$$^6$He+$^4$He allows us to determine the competition with neutron decay. The 7.54-MeV state could belong to a rotational band built on the below threshold 0$_2 ^+$ at 6.18 MeV as bandhead. Preliminary results from the data analysis will be presented.

Primary author

Dr Nabin Rijal (FRIB, Michigan State University)


Prof. Daniel Bazin (NSCL, Michigan State Univ) Yassid Ayyad (IGFAE, USC, Spain) Dr Jie Chen (Michigan State University) Michael Serikow (Michigan State University) Wolfgang Mittig (Michigan State University) Clementine Santamaria (Morgan State University)

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