Takako Miura
01/10/2013, 08:35
The various projects in KEK are in upgrade or construction stage. STF is a test facility of the superconducting RF. The beam operation was performed for the first time in the STF. Compact Energy Recovery Linac(cERL) is the test facility for the future 3-GeV ERL plan. The construction of injector of cERL was finished. The beam commissioning of the injector was performed for 2 months before this...
Yuji Otake
(XFEL Research and Development Division, RIKEN SPring-8 Center, RIKEN)
01/10/2013, 08:52
SPring-8 campus has three major accelerator complexes, which are the 8 GeV SPring-8 storage ring, the 1 GeV New-SUBARU storage ring, and the X-ray free-electron laser, SACLA. The individual accelerators have own independent LLRF systems to stably drive their high-power rf sources. These LLRF systems almost are independently working each other among SPring-8, New SUBARU and SACLA. The biggest...
Tomasz Plawski
(Jefferson Lab)
01/10/2013, 09:09
JLAB is currently commissioning ten new C100 cryomodules, a major part of the 12 GeV Energy Upgrade Project. For each of eighty cavities, a new LLRF system has been installed and now is undergoing rigorous tests. A new 400 MHz LLRF system for Compact X-ray Source based on inverse Compton scattering has been developed, tested and delivered along with MO (master oscillator) and HPA (high power...
Brian E. Chase
01/10/2013, 09:33
Fermilab is currently in transition from the Energy Frontier to Intensity Frontier Physics and is coming out of a 1.5 year shutdown of the Main physics program. This shutdown provided upgrades to allow 700kW of beam power on target for neutrino physics, requiring a new 53 MHz LLRF system for the Recycler Ring where beam slip stacking will take place.
The Advanced Superconducting Test...
Mark Crofford
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
01/10/2013, 09:50
The Spallation Neutron Source has been in operation since first beam on target in 2006. Over the years we have made incremental improvements to the RF systems to correct problems encountered and to better support operation of the accelerator. Several of these improvements will be highlighted along with some of the operational statistics for the accelerator. We have also made a major effort to...
Wolfgang Hofle
01/10/2013, 10:02
An overview will be given over the CERN LLRF highlights of the last two years with an outlook into the future. This includes operation and optimization of the LHC LLRF system for luminosity production of the LHC run I. Moreover, preparations are under way for the upgrades of the LHC injectors and the LHC itself with an ambitious plan of increasing LHC luminosity both for protons and ion...