REBCO WG meeting #4

Anis Ben Yahia (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Ernesto Bosque (NHMFL), Ramesh Gupta (BNL), Stephen Gourlay (LBNL), Vadim Kashikhin (Fermilab), Vito Lombardo (Fermilab), Xiaorong Wang (LBNL)
    • 11:00 11:30
      Characterization of REBCO tape - experience from the 32 T project (20'+10') 30m
      Speaker: Dmytro Abraimov (ASC/NHMFL/FSU)
    • 11:30 12:00
      Needs and plans 30m

      We have touched on some of the needs previously, e.g., the conductor characterization. With a first exercise, let's see if we can more systematically and effectively guide our collaboration to address these needs. It will also help to design the coming studies, e.g., the subscale common coil experiments at BNL. We can generate a matrix of experiments and the needs they intend to address.