September 8, 2013
US/Pacific timezone


Sep 8, 2013, 7:30 PM


Mr Kiseki Nakamura (Kyoto university)


NEWAGE is a direction sensitive WIMP search experiment using micro pixel chamber. After our first underground measurement at Kamioka (PLB686(2010)11), we constructed new detector. The size of new detector is twice than older one. And its drift-cage is made by PEEK material to reduce radon emanation. Also we constructed the gas circulation system using cooled charcoal to reduce radon gas. We confirmed detector performance with low pressure gas to lower energy threshold, then we applied to use gas with 76torr pressure. Then we performed underground measurement at Kamioka. We will report about result of underground measurements.

Primary author

Mr Kiseki Nakamura (Kyoto university)


Dr Atsushi Takada (Kyoto university) Prof. Hidetoshi Kubo (Kyoto university) Dr Hironobu Nishimura (Kyoto university) Prof. Kentaro Miuchi (Kobe university) Dr Parker Joseph D (Kyoto university) Mr Shota Nakaura (Kobe university) Mr Tatsuya Sawano (Kyoto university) Dr Tetsuya Mizumoto (Kyoto university) Prof. Toru Tanimori (Kyoto university) Mr Yoshihiro Matsuoka (Kyoto university) Mr Yushiro Yamaguchi (Kobe university)

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