September 8, 2013
US/Pacific timezone

Ionization yield of 7 keV nuclear recoils in liquid argon

Sep 8, 2013, 7:30 PM


Mr Tenzing Joshi (University of California Berkeley)


The response of liquid argon, and other low-background detector materials, to low-energy nuclear recoils is important for determining the sensitivity of these materials to light WIMPS and coherent neutrino-nucleus scattering. Using a small prototype dual-phase argon proportional scintillation counter at LLNL we have probed the response of liquid argon to sub-keV electronic recoils using 37Ar as an homogeneous internal calibration source. With this same detector we have measured the ionization yield of 7 keV nuclear recoils. This measurement was made using a near-threshold collimated Fe-filtered 7Li(p,n) source that provides a monoenergetic source of 70 keV neutrons.


In this poster we discuss the design and low-energy sensitivity of our dual-phase argon detector, the design and characterization of the monoenergetic neutron source, and measurement of the ionization yield of 7 keV nuclear recoils in liquid argon.

Primary author

Mr Tenzing Joshi (University of California Berkeley)

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