8:30 AM
Electron cloud effects: update (triplets, arcs, TDIS)
Giovanni Iadarola
9:00 AM
Non-linear correction studies
Frederik Van der Veken
9:30 AM
Impact of 11 T field quality
Pascal Hermes
10:20 AM
Observation of beam-beam effects in the LHC and projection to the HL-LHC performance
Dario Pellegrini
10:50 AM
BBLR Compensation in the LHC: test plan, outcome of the BBLR Workshop
Ioannis Papaphilippou
11:20 AM
BBLR Compensation experiment at CERN: Simulations and obervables
Alexander Valishev
11:50 AM
BBLR Compensation HW status
Adriana Rossi