Conferences will be offline for about 30 minutes on Thursday, March 13 starting at 5PM while the system is upgraded.

16–17 Nov 2023
Renaissance Concourse Atlanta Airport Hotel
US/Central timezone


Current State of the FDSi and Looking Toward the FDS

16 Nov 2023, 13:45
Shannon Conference Room (Renaissance Concourse Atlanta Airport Hotel)

Shannon Conference Room

Renaissance Concourse Atlanta Airport Hotel

One Hartsfield Centre Parkway Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 30354


Current State of the FDSi and Looking Toward the FDS

  • Ben Crider (Mississippi State University)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Zhengyu Xu (UTK)
16/11/2023, 13:45
Charlie Rasco (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
16/11/2023, 14:05
Sean Liddick (FRIB/MSU)
16/11/2023, 14:20
James Huffman (FRIB)
16/11/2023, 14:35
Building timetable...