29 May 2018 to 3 June 2018
Hyatt Regency Indian Wells Conference Center
US/Pacific timezone

Sterile Neutrinos in the Early Universe

1 Jun 2018, 16:10
South Foyer | Nopales Room (Hyatt Regency Indian Wells Conference Center)

South Foyer | Nopales Room

Hyatt Regency Indian Wells Conference Center

44600 Indian Wells Lane, Indian Wells, CA 92210, USA


Prof. George Fuller (University of California, San Diego)


I will give an overview of sterile neutrino physics in the early universe and in cosmology, especially as regards dark matter. This will include a discussion of production mechanisms, relic densities, the relationship of these to lepton and baryon numbers, and associated high energy scale physics issues. I will also discuss the status of X-ray observational constraints on sterile neutrino and other light dark matter, dark matter candidates.
E-mail [email protected]
Funding source National Science Foundation

Primary author

Prof. George Fuller (University of California, San Diego)

Presentation materials

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