Plenary 9: Neutron Star Mergers
- Akif Baha Balantekin (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Jocelyn Read
(CSU Fullerton)
6/2/18, 2:00 PM
Neutron stars host the densest stable matter in the universe. Accurately modeling their multi-messenger astrophysics relies on a detailed description of the equation of state above nuclear density. Astronomical observations, including binary pulsar dynamics, x-ray bursts and timing, and gravitational-wave observations, can in turn be used to constrain the properties of this dense matter.
Kenta Hotokezaka
(Princeton University)
6/2/18, 2:35 PM
A neutron star merger, GW170817, was discovered by Advanced LIGO. The gravitational wave signal is followed by electromagnetic counterparts in multi-wavelength including GRB 170817A, kilonova, and non-thermal synchrotron afterglow. These emissions are produced by outflows launched in the merger. I will talk about the properties of different components of merger outflows and implications of...
Daniel Kasen
(UC Berkeley/LBNL)
6/2/18, 3:10 PM
The recent detection of gravitational waves and associated electromagnetic emission from a binary neutron star merger has illuminated the physics of strong gravity and dense matter, and addressed long standing questions as to the origin of the heaviest elements in the universe. I will review our physical understanding of compact object mergers — grounded in theoretical calculations and...