Nuclear Forces and Structure, NN Correlations, and Medium Effects: Parallel 1 — Neutron-Rich Matter and the EOS
- Scott Bogner (Michigan State University)
Nuclear Forces and Structure, NN Correlations, and Medium Effects: Parallel 4 — Color Transparency | EMC Effect | Coulomb Sum Rule
- Gerald Miller (University of Washington)
Nuclear Forces and Structure, NN Correlations, and Medium Effects: Parallel 5 — Short-Range Correlations
- Gerald Miller (University of Washington)
Nuclear Forces and Structure, NN Correlations, and Medium Effects: Parallel 6 — Nucleon/Nuclear Structure and Fundamental Symmetries
- John Arrington (Argonne National Laboratory)
Nuclear Forces and Structure, NN Correlations, and Medium Effects: Parallel 8 — Ab Initio Forces, Models, and Nuclei at Weak Binding
- Bradley Sherrill (Michigan State University)
Betty Tsang
(Michigan State University)
5/29/18, 2:00 PM
The nuclear Equation of State (EoS) is central to the understanding of the matter found in neutron stars and in explosive stellar environments. This includes the dynamics in neutron star mergers or core collapse supernovae in which many of the heavy elements are formed. Such environments are often neutron-rich and their description requires extrapolating the properties of neutron-rich matter...
Seamus Riordan
(Argonne National Laboratory)
5/29/18, 2:20 PM
The equation of state for asymmetric nuclear systems is a critical input for modeling a broad range of systems spanning from asymmetric nuclei to extremes such as neutron stars. Now, with the advent of gravitational wave astronomy there are new and exciting opportunities to test how these nuclei, measured on earth, connect to their astrophysical counterparts. Within nuclei, several...
Farrooh Fattoyev
(Indiana University)
5/29/18, 2:40 PM
The neutron skin thickness of medium to heavy nuclei provides a fundamental link between nuclear structure and neutron star properties via the equation of state of neutron-rich matter. In particular, it is strongly correlated with the pressure of a pure neutron matter which pushes against the surface tension thus allowing a finite nucleus to form a neutron skin. It is precisely this same...
Christian Drischler
(University of California, Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
5/29/18, 3:00 PM
Nuclear matter is an ideal testbed for nuclear interactions with important consequences for nuclear astrophysics as well as finite nuclei. In particular, recent $\textit{ab initio}$ calculations of medium-mass to heavy nuclei have demonstrated the importance of realistic saturation properties of infinite matter for nuclear forces.
We present an efficient Monte-Carlo framework for...
Rituparna Kanungo
(Saint Mary's University)
5/29/18, 3:20 PM
Our Universe has a wide variety of visible matter. An important fundamental question is how nature combines the building blocks, protons and neutrons, to form the large variety of complex many-body nuclei. Addressing this question requires synthesizing observed properties of nuclei and predictions from theoretical models built with knowledge of the nuclear force. A complete understanding of...
Whitney Armstrong
(Argonne National Lab)
5/30/18, 4:10 PM
Spectator tagged hard processes can provide insight into the origins of the EMC Effect by identifying the struck nucleon. A comprehensive program of experiments on light nuclei (deuterium and $^4$He) at JLab using the CLAS12 spectrometer and a Low Energy Recoil Tracker (ALERT) will detect the low energy nuclear spectator system (p, $^3$H and $^3$He) in a variety of hard scattering processes....
Axel Schmidt
5/30/18, 4:40 PM
A large body of evidence suggests isospin symmetry plays a key role in the EMC effect, the modification of quark distribution functions in the nuclear medium, as well as short-range correlated pairing between nucleons. Electron scattering experiments that probe the momentum distributions of quarks or of nucleons are limited to nuclei near the valley of stability, in a narrow band of...
Eric Pooser
(Jefferson Lab)
5/30/18, 5:10 PM
The $x$ dependence of the EMC effect has been measured for a variety of nuclei in a multitude of experiments conducted over the past 35 years. Previous EMC ratio measurements for light nuclei $(A \leq 12)$ have shown a dependence on the local nuclear structure of nucleons and the associated modification to nuclear structure functions. The newly commissioned Super High Momentum Spectrometer...
Dipangkar Dutta
(Mississippi State University)
5/30/18, 5:35 PM
We will give an overview of a unique prediction of Quantum Chromodynamics, called color transparency (CT), where the final (and/or initial) state interactions of hadrons with the nuclear medium must vanish for exclusive processes at high momentum transfers. We will trace the progress of our understanding of this phenomenon, beginning with its confirmation in high energy phenomena, followed by...
Holly Szumila-Vance
(Jefferson Lab)
5/30/18, 6:00 PM
Color transparency (CT) is a fundamental phenomenon of QCD postulating that at high momentum transfer hadrons fluctuate to a small color neutral transverse size in the nucleus, and final state interactions within the nuclear medium are suppressed. CT is observed experimentally as a rise in the measured nuclear transparency as a function of the momentum transferred. While CT has been observed...
Or Hen
5/31/18, 2:00 PM
I will present results from new studies of short-ranged correlations in nuclei and the EMC effect, with emphasis on measurements of neutron-rich nuclei. I will also discuss the development of new effective theories for describing short-ranged correlations, the way in which they relate to experimental observables, and the emerging universality of short-distance and high-momentum physics in...
Barak Schmookler
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
5/31/18, 2:25 PM
The number of Short-Range Correlated (SRC) pairs in nuclei is known to linearly correlate with the strength of the European Muon Collaboration (EMC) effect. This linear correlation has lead to theoretical models of the EMC effect where primarily nucleons which are members of SRC pairs are modified. As recent work has shown, the overwhelming majority of these SRC pairs are neutron-proton (np)...
Zhihong Ye
(Argonne National Lab)
5/31/18, 2:50 PM
Due to the highly localized feature of the short-range correlations (SRCs), the high momentum tails from light to heavy nuclei reveals very similar distributions when their momenta are above the Fermi momentum. The exclusive measurements of proton and electron scattering off the NN pairs in 2N-SRC showed the dominance of $np$ pairs. It indicates the isospin nature of the NN interaction at...
Misak Sargsian
(Florida International University)
5/31/18, 3:15 PM
Three nucleon short range correlations are one of the most elusive structures in nuclei, whose observation and the evaluation of their properties may have a significant impact on our understanding of the dynamics of super-dense nuclear matter that may exist in the cores of Neutron Stars. We discuss kinematic conditions and the observables that are most optimal for probing 3N SRCs in inclusive...
Chia Cheng Chang
5/31/18, 4:10 PM
The $\textit{axial coupling of the nucleon}$, $g_A$, is the strength of its coupling to the $\textit{weak}$ axial current of the Standard Model, much as the electric charge is the strength of the coupling to the electromagnetic current. This axial coupling dictates, for example, the rate of $\beta$-decay of neutrons to protons and the strength of the attractive long-range force between...
Rajan Gupta
(Los Alamos National Lab)
5/31/18, 4:40 PM
The nucleon axial form factor is needed to calculate the cross-section of neutrino interactions with nuclei. Due to lack of data on neutrino scattering off protons, one has to model the effect of nuclear interactions to extract it from neutrino scattering data off heavier nuclei. It is also being calculated from first principles analysis of QCD using large scale simulations of lattice QCD. By...
Vincenzo Cirigliano
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
5/31/18, 5:10 PM
Within the framework of chiral effective field theory I will discuss the leading contributions to the neutrinoless double-beta decay transition operator induced by light Majorana neutrinos. Based on renormalization arguments, I will argue that one needs to introduce a leading-order short-range operator, missing in all current calculations. I will then discuss strategies to determine the finite...
Javier Menendez
(Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo)
5/31/18, 5:30 PM
Observing neutrinoless double-beta ($0\nu\beta\beta$) decay is the most promising way to detect lepton number violation in the laboratory, and it would imply that neutrinos are their own antiparticles. The decay half-life naturally depends on a nuclear matrix element that needs to be calculated theoretically. A good knowledge of this matrix element is key for the planning of $0\nu\beta\beta$...
Alejandro Garcia
(University of Washington)
5/31/18, 5:50 PM
We will present an overview on the present status and outlook of experiments using nuclear beta decays to search for new physics.
At the low-momentum transfers associated with nuclear beta decays, phenomena associated with new physics at high-energy scales can show up as right-handed or chirality-flipping (tensor or scalar) currents, all absent in the Standard Model. We will describe...
Dagmara Rozpedzik
(Jagiellonian University)
5/31/18, 6:10 PM
Searches of new physics beyond the Standard Model (SM) performed at low energy frontiers are complementary to experiments carried out at high energy colliders. Often used methods for testing the SM and beyond at low energies are precision spectrum shape and correlation coefficient measurements in nuclear and neutron beta decay.
In order to study tiny effects in beta spectrum shape, a special...
Evgeny Epelbaum
(Ruhr-University Bochum)
6/1/18, 4:10 PM
Nuclear forces derived in chiral EFT are nowadays extensively used to study low-energy reactions and to describe various properties of nuclei and nuclear matter. I review the current status of the theory and describe our recent efforts towards developing this theoretical approach into a precision tool. Topics addressed include the two- and three-nucleon forces, applications to light systems...
Scott Bogner
(Michigan State University)
6/1/18, 4:40 PM
As experimental efforts have shifted towards the study of rare isotopes, the predictive power of the wildly successful (but heretofore phenomenological) nuclear shell model is challenged by the scarcity of nearby data to constrain its parameters. Therefore, the ability to reliably calculate these parameters directly from the underlying nuclear forces, and relying less on experimental data,...
Alan Wuosmaa
(University of Connecticut)
6/1/18, 5:10 PM
Ab Initio or first-principle methods have been very successful in calculating many properties of light nuclei. These methods use the most modern formulations of two- and three-nucleon interactions and have provided very accurate reproductions of the binding energies and level spectra for light nuclei over the past several years. These approaches have also been used to predict other...
Calvin Johnson
(San Diego State University)
6/1/18, 5:30 PM
Today there are a plethora of many-body techniques for calculating nuclear wave functions and matrix elements. I will review the status of that reliable workhorse, the interacting shell model, a.k.a. configuration-interaction methods, a.k.a. Hamiltonian diagonalization, and survey its advantages and disadvantages. With modern supercomputers one can tackle dimensions up to about 20 billion! I...
Eugene Dumitrescu
6/1/18, 5:50 PM
In this talk, we report on the first nuclear physics computations performed on quantum computers. Addressing superconducting qubits provided by IBM and Rigetti via cloud servers, we calculate the binding energy of the deuteron to within a few percents. This is achieved by implementing the hybrid classical-quantum variational eigensolver algorithm with a low-depth version of the unitary...
Ushasi Datta
(Saha Institute Of Nuclear Physics)
6/1/18, 6:10 PM
Understanding the limits of existence of nuclei is an open problem in fundamental science. Lack of understanding of the nucleon-nucleon interaction in nuclei with unusual neutron to proton ratio is one of the main reasons. Thus it is an urgent problem to find out the missing link of unified theory by studying single particle and bulk properties of the nuclei with large neutron proton...