PPHI / TSEI: Parallel 6 — Symmetry Tests
- Renee Fatemi (University of Kentucky)
- Robert Redwine (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Holger Mueller
5/31/18, 4:10 PM
We will give an overview of atomic precision measurements as tests of physics beyond the Standard Model, such as searches for "fifth forces", tests of fundamental symmetries with clocks, and searches for an electric dipole moment of the electron. In particular, measurements of the fine structure constant $\alpha$ use methods from across sub-fields and are thus powerful tests of the consistency...
Joseph Price
(University of Liverpool)
5/31/18, 4:40 PM
The measurement of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon made at Brookhaven National Laboratory differs from the Standard Model expectation by over 3 standard deviations. A new experiment at Fermilab, using the same storage ring as the Brookhaven experiment, aims to improve the accuracy of this measurement by a factor of 4, and an additional experiment, using a new technique, at J-PARC is...
(University of California, Riverside)
5/31/18, 5:10 PM
The BABAR Collaboration has an extensive program studying hadronic cross sections in low-energy $e^+e^-$ collisions, accessible through the selection of events with initial-state photon radiation. The measurements allow significant improvements in the precision of the standard model prediction for the muon anomalous magnetic moment. Recent results on the $\pi^+\pi^-\pi^0\pi^0$ final state and...
Seyda Ipek
(University of California Irvine)
5/31/18, 5:30 PM
Our Universe has more matter than antimatter and we cannot explain this asymmetry within the Standard Model. CP violation is crucial to explain the baryon asymmetry of the Universe. We observe CP violation in the SM in neutral meson oscillations. Can similar (but beyond the SM) particle–antiparticle oscillations in the early Universe generate the baryon asymmetry? I will show "Yes, they can!"...
Marc Bergevin
5/31/18, 5:50 PM
Tests on $|B-L|$ symmetry breaking models are important probes to search for new physics. One proposed model with $|\Delta (B-L)=2|$ involves the oscillation of a neutron to an antineutron. In this talk, the recently published results for a search of this process in the deuteron from the data acquired from all three operational phases of the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory experiment will be...
Susan Gardner
(University of Kentucky)
5/31/18, 6:10 PM
Neutron-antineutron ($n$–$\bar{n}$) conversion describes the change of a neutron into an antineutron as mediated by an external source. As a result its ability to occur is not limited by the presence of magnetic fields or matter, as would be the case if a neutron were to transform spontaneously, or to oscillate, into an antineutron. We explore the limits on the appearance of baryon number...