Plenary 1: Opening | Cosmic Physics and Dark Energy, Inflation, and Strong-Field Gravity | Special Topic
- Willem van Oers (U. Manitoba/TRIUMF)
Wick Haxton
(UC Berkeley and LBNL)
5/29/18, 8:00 AM
I will welcome the participants of CIPANP 2018 and briefly review the history of this meeting that strives to strengthen the connections between nuclear, particle, and astro physicists.
Eric Baxter
(University of Pennsylvania)
5/29/18, 8:05 AM
Astronomical surveys that map the cosmic microwave background (CMB) and the distribution of large scale structure of the Universe have demonstrated an impressive ability to constrain cosmology and to probe fundamental physics. In this talk, I will present an overview of recent results from the South Pole Telescope, which maps the CMB at small angular scales, and the Dark Energy Survey, which...
Austin Joyce
(Columbia University)
5/29/18, 8:40 AM
I will survey our understanding of cosmic acceleration, both in the late and early universe. The focus will be on recent theoretical developments in the study of dark energy and in the physics of inflation. We will also discuss constraints both from current and future observations.
Helene Fleurbaey
5/29/18, 9:15 AM
The CODATA-recommended value of the proton rms charge radius $r_p$ is based on hydrogen/deuterium spectroscopy and electron–proton/deuteron scattering experiments. Since 2010, a discrepancy between the $r_p$ value determined from muonic hydrogen spectroscopy and the CODATA-recommended value has led to intense research activity both in theory and experiment. The situation has recently become...