Plenary 3: Heavy Flavors and the CKM Matrix | Special Topic
- Young-Kee Kim (The University of Chicago)
Gerco Onderwater
(University of Groningen)
5/30/18, 8:00 AM
There is a wealth of experimental results questioning the deep-rooted assumption of lepton universality in flavour-changing interactions. Recently, several anomalies were reported by the LHCb collaboration and
there is the long standing discrepancy of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. At the same time the large LHC experiments do not see clear signals of New Physics, and there are...
Abner Soffer
(Tel Aviv University)
5/30/18, 8:35 AM
Precision measurements of CKM parameters are important for defining the Standard Model and for searching for inconsistencies from new-physics contributions. I will review the status of current measurements and discuss the precision expected in future runs of LHCb and Belle II.
Kent Paschke
(University of Virginia)
5/30/18, 9:10 AM
The measurement of the violation of parity symmetry in electron scattering is a powerful technique in the search for new fundamental forces. The Qweak collaboration has recently completed a highly precise measurement of parity violation in the elastic scattering of longitudinally polarized electrons from unpolarized protons. From this result, the weak charge of the proton is determined and...