26โ€“29 Feb 2024
US/Eastern timezone

Contribution List

94 / 94
Amy Lovell (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Jesse Brown (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
26/02/2024, 08:00
Todd Bredeweg (LANL)
26/02/2024, 08:05
Tim Hallman (Department of Energy Nuclear Physics)
26/02/2024, 08:10
Keith Jankowski (DOE Office of Science, Nuclear Physics)
26/02/2024, 08:35
Catherine Romano (IB3 Global Solutions)
26/02/2024, 09:00
Rian Bahran (EOP/OSTP)
26/02/2024, 09:05
Michael Halfmoon (DOE)
26/02/2024, 09:20
Ethan Balkin (DOE)
26/02/2024, 09:35
David Matters (NNSA NA-221)
26/02/2024, 10:10
David Kulp (DTRA), Joanna Ingraham (Defense Threat Reduction Agency)
26/02/2024, 10:35
Tod Caldwell (NNSA)
26/02/2024, 10:55
Jim Peltz (DOE)
26/02/2024, 11:10
Douglas Bowen (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
26/02/2024, 11:25
David Brown (BNL/NNDC)
26/02/2024, 11:40
Keegan Kelly (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
26/02/2024, 13:00
Mark Paris (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
26/02/2024, 15:15
Paul Humrickhouse (ORNL)
27/02/2024, 08:00
27/02/2024, 09:15
Konstantinos Kravvaris (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
27/02/2024, 10:15
Catherine Percher (LLNL)
27/02/2024, 10:45
27/02/2024, 11:00
Paul Romano (Argonne National Laboratory), Paul Wilson (University of Wisconsin Madison)
27/02/2024, 13:00
Guinevere Shaw (DOE)
27/02/2024, 13:20
Alexandre Konobeev, Dieter Leichtle (Karlruhe Institute of Technology)
27/02/2024, 14:00
27/02/2024, 14:20
Prof. Lee Bernstein (University of California - Berkeley/LBNL), Lee Bernstein
27/02/2024, 15:00
Hesham Khater (LLNL)
27/02/2024, 15:20
Paul Romano (Argonne National Laboratory), Shengli Chen
27/02/2024, 15:40
27/02/2024, 16:00
Dr Ellen O'Brien (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Etienne Vermeulen (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Khachatur Manukyan (Notre Dame), Matt Gott (ORNL)
28/02/2024, 08:00
Keith Jankowski (DOE Office of Science, Nuclear Physics)
28/02/2024, 08:05
Thanos Stamatopoulos (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
28/02/2024, 08:10
Dr Ellen O'Brien (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Etienne Vermeulen (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Khachatur Manukyan (Notre Dame), Matt Gott (ORNL)
28/02/2024, 08:55
Mike Zach (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
28/02/2024, 10:15
Dr Ellen O'Brien (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Etienne Vermeulen (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Khachatur Manukyan (Notre Dame), Matt Gott (ORNL)
28/02/2024, 10:55
28/02/2024, 12:00
Denise Neudecker (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Nathan Gibson (LANL)
28/02/2024, 13:00
Tommy Cisneros (TerraPower)
28/02/2024, 13:15
Corey Keith (LANL)
28/02/2024, 13:30
Kyle Godbey (FRIB)
28/02/2024, 13:45
Boris Pritychenko (BNL)
28/02/2024, 14:00
Konstantinos Kravvaris (LLNL)
28/02/2024, 14:15
28/02/2024, 14:30
Robert Casperson (LLNL)
28/02/2024, 15:15
Jacob Forbes (UTK)
28/02/2024, 15:30
William Marshall (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
28/02/2024, 15:45
Catherine Percher (LLNL)
28/02/2024, 16:00
Hany Abdel-Khalik (Purdue)
28/02/2024, 16:15
28/02/2024, 16:30
Marian Jandel (UMass Lowell)
29/02/2024, 08:15
David Brown (BNL/NNDC)
29/02/2024, 08:30
Denise Neudecker (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
29/02/2024, 09:45
Prof. Calvin Howell (Duke University and TUNL)
29/02/2024, 10:20
Patrick Peplowski (Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory)
29/02/2024, 11:22
Andrew Ratkiewicz (Lawrence Livermore National Lab)
29/02/2024, 11:46
Keegan Kelly (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Laura Gustad (MDA), Mike Loughlin (ORNL)
29/02/2024, 13:00
Paul Humrickhouse (ORNL), Sofia Quaglioni (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), Stephanie Lyons (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
29/02/2024, 13:20
Paul Romano (Argonne National Laboratory), Paul Wilson (University of Wisconsin Madison)
29/02/2024, 13:40
Dr Ellen O'Brien (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Etienne Vermeulen (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Khachatur Manukyan (Notre Dame), Matt Gott (ORNL)
29/02/2024, 14:00
Denise Neudecker (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Nathan Gibson (LANL), Robert Casperson (LLNL), ugur mertyurek (ORNL)
29/02/2024, 14:20
Amy Lovell (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Jesse Brown (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
29/02/2024, 14:40

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