Workshop for Applied Nuclear Data Activities (WANDA 2024)

Hilton Arlington National Landing, 2399 Richmond Hwy, Arlington, VA, 22202
Amy Lovell, Jesse Brown

Hilton Arlington National Landing, 2399 Richmond Hwy, Arlington, VA, 22202

    • 7:00 AM 8:00 AM
      Morning Hospitality and Registration
    • 8:00 AM 12:00 PM
      Session III: FES: Tritium Production
      Conveners: Paul Humrickhouse (ORNL), Sofia Quaglioni (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), Stephanie Lyons (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
      • 8:00 AM
        Introduction to Session and Overview 30m
        Speaker: Paul Humrickhouse (ORNL)
      • 8:30 AM
        Tritium Modernization Program: Overview and Data Needs 15m
        Speaker: Richard Pagh (PNNL)
      • 8:45 AM
        Review of Challenges to Achieving Tritium Self-sufficiency 15m
        Speaker: Hesham Khater (LLNL)
      • 9:00 AM
        Advanced Reactors and Accelerators: Alternative Pathways for Tritium Production 15m
        Speaker: Tomi Akindele (LLNL)
      • 9:15 AM
        Discussion 25m
      • 9:40 AM
        Break 20m
      • 10:00 AM
        Measurements of Neutron-Induced Breakup Reactions from Lithium Isotopes with Fast Neutrons Using an Inertial Confinement Fusion Platform 15m
        Speaker: Chad Forrest (LLE/Rochester)
      • 10:15 AM
        Predictive theory for T production 15m
        Speaker: Konstantinos Kravvaris (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
      • 10:30 AM
        Utilization of a High-Flux DT Neutron Source for Tritium Breeding Experiments 15m
        Speaker: Ross Radel (SHINE)
      • 10:45 AM
        Integral Experiments for Tritium Production 15m
        Speaker: Catherine Percher (LLNL)
      • 11:00 AM
        Discussion 1h
    • 12:00 PM 1:00 PM
    • 1:00 PM 5:00 PM
      Session IV: FES: Material Damage
      Conveners: Paul Romano (Argonne National Laboratory), Paul Wilson (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
    • 7:00 AM 8:00 AM
      Morning Hospitality and Registration
    • 8:00 AM 12:00 PM
      Session VII: Project Overviews
      Conveners: Amy Lovell (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Jesse Brown (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
      • 8:00 AM
        Fission product yield measurements using 252Cf spontaneous fission and neutron-induced fission on actinide targets at CARIBU 15m
        Speaker: Guy Savard (ANL)
      • 8:15 AM
        Solving the 56Mn puzzle 15m
        Speaker: Marian Jandel (UMass Lowell)
      • 8:30 AM
        Gamma Rays Induced by Neutrons 15m
        Speaker: David Brown (BNL/NNDC)
      • 8:45 AM
        White-source neutron-gamma coincidence measurements of gamma production cross sections at LANSCE 15m
        Speaker: Matthew Devlin (LANL)
      • 9:00 AM
        Evaluation of Gamma-ray Production and Fission Product Yields 15m
        Speaker: Toshihiko Kawano (LANL)
      • 9:15 AM
        Determination of beta-energy spectral shapes in fission products affecting reactor decay heat and anti-neutrino flux and addressing potential physics beyond the standard model 15m
        Speaker: Bertis Rasco (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
      • 9:30 AM
        Modern Structure-based Nuclear Data Evaluations for Basic Science, Nuclear Safety & Security 15m
        Speaker: Mark Paris (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
      • 9:45 AM
        Designing Nuclear-data Measurements that Resolve Discrepancies in Existing Data 15m
        Speaker: Denise Neudecker (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
      • 10:00 AM
        Break 20m
      • 10:20 AM
        Two and Three-body Photodisintegration of the Triton at Energies Below 30 MeV 15m
        Speaker: Prof. Calvin Howell (Duke University and TUNL)
      • 10:35 AM
        Gamma Production Cross Sections for Active Neutron Interrogation with GENESIS 15m
        Speaker: Josh Brown (Berkeley)
      • 10:50 AM
        Modernization and Optimization of the Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File 8m
        Speaker: Libby McCutchan (BNL/NNDC)
      • 10:58 AM
        Accelerated Decay Data Evaluation and Development of an Adopted Decay Data Library 8m
        Speaker: Libby McCutchan (BNL/NNDC)
      • 11:06 AM
        Benchmarking and validating cosmogenic activation models 8m
        Speaker: Aaron Hellinger (PNNL)
      • 11:14 AM
        Impact of Nuclear Data on Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems Safety and Operation 8m
        Speaker: Ilas Germina (ORNL)
      • 11:22 AM
        The Berkeley Atlas: A database of absolute cross sections for inelastic, gamma-ray production with 14 MeV neutrons 8m
        Speaker: Patrick Peplowski (Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory)
      • 11:30 AM
        A Comprehensive Self-Consistent Campaign to Determine Reaction Cross Sections, Secondary Gamma-Ray Yields, and Measured Neutron Spectra for Alpha-Induced Reactions on Light Nuclei 8m
        Speaker: Mike Febbraro (USAF)
      • 11:38 AM
        New measurements of spontaneous fission properties of Pu isotopes 8m
        Speaker: Matthew Devlin (LANL)
      • 11:46 AM
        Scoping Study for Nuclear Reaction Cross Sections on Short-Lived Fission Products 8m
        Speaker: Andrew Ratkiewicz (Lawrence Livermore National Lab)
    • 12:00 PM 1:00 PM
    • 1:00 PM 5:00 PM
      Session VIII: Session Summaries
      Conveners: Amy Lovell (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Jesse Brown (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
      • 1:00 PM
        Fusion Neutronics Summary 20m
        Speakers: Keegan Kelly (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Laura Gustad (MDA), Mike Loughlin (ORNL)
      • 1:20 PM
        Tritium Production Summary 20m
        Speakers: Paul Humrickhouse (ORNL), Sofia Quaglioni (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), Stephanie Lyons (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
      • 1:40 PM
        Material Damage Summary 20m
        Speakers: Paul Romano (Argonne National Laboratory), Paul Wilson (University of Wisconsin Madison)
      • 2:00 PM
        Isotopes & Targetry for Nuclear Data Summary 20m
        Speakers: Dr Ellen O'Brien (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Etienne Vermeulen (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Khachatur Manukyan (Notre Dame), Matt Gott (ORNL)
      • 2:20 PM
        Uncertainty Quantification Summary 20m
        Speakers: Denise Neudecker (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Nathan Gibson (LANL), Robert Casperson (LLNL), ugur mertyurek (ORNL)
      • 2:40 PM
        Closeout 20m
        Speakers: Amy Lovell (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Jesse Brown (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)