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25–29 Jan 2019
US/Pacific timezone

Pear-Shaped Qubits: Quantum Computing with Dipolar Molecules

28 Jan 2019, 15:00
Building 66- Auditorium (LBL-Hill)

Building 66- Auditorium


Lawrence Berkeley National Lab Berkeley, California
Qubit architectures Architecture II


Dr Joshua Isaacs (UC Berkeley)


Electrically neutral dipolar molecules prepared in the absolute ground state represent one of the newest additions to the quantum-information and simulation family tree. Prepared in the lowest rotational state ($N=0$), and in the absence of a polarizing electric field, neutral dipolar molecules lack a lab-frame electric dipole moment (EDM). However, admixing components of higher rotational states generates an EDM of order a Debye (for the bialkalis) which provides a route to controllable long-range interactions. It is the tunability of this interaction that makes these molecules an ideal candidate for qubits. Furthermore, using the same scheme one can add a long-range interaction term to the optical-lattice Hubbard Hamiltonian creating the opportunity to study dipolar exchange physics. One can also choose to polarize the molecules with a strong electric field in order to, for example, investigate quantum magnetism in the $XXZ$-Hamiltonian. Bialkali molecules represent an excellent opportunity to apply state of the art techniques from the world of degenerate gasses to advance the field of quantum computation. I will discuss our current effort towards creating ground state bosonic Lithium-Rubidium molecules and present some technical challenges we think could benefit from collaboration with the LBL community.

Primary author

Dr Joshua Isaacs (UC Berkeley)


Mr Aaron Smull (UC Berkeley) Prof. Dan Stamper-Kurn (UC Berkeley, LBL) Ms Fang Fang (UC Berkeley)

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