Jan 25 – 29, 2019
US/Pacific timezone

Materials design for dark matter detection

Jan 29, 2019, 10:00 AM
Building 66- Auditorium (LBL-Hill)

Building 66- Auditorium


Lawrence Berkeley National Lab Berkeley, California
Quantum sensing Sensing III


Dr Sinéad Griffin (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)


The direct detection of light dark matter (DM) relies on harnessing low-threshold events in target materials. Here I will discuss two proposals for the direct detection of light DM; Dirac materials and polar semiconductors. Using first-principles methods, we calculate the material-specific matrix elements, and show that DM scattering in an anisotropic crystal has a strong directional dependence. We find that both Dirac electron and phonon-based detectors have comparable or greater sensitivity to sub-MeV dark matter scattering and sub-eV dark matter absorption than other current proposals.

Primary author

Dr Sinéad Griffin (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)


Kathryn Zurek Simon Knapen (IAS Princeton) Tongyan Lin (UCSD) Yoni Kahn (University of Chicago)

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