25–29 Jan 2019
US/Pacific timezone

Quantum simulation with ultracold atoms in optical lattices

28 Jan 2019, 17:15
Building 66- Auditorium (LBL-Hill)

Building 66- Auditorium


Lawrence Berkeley National Lab Berkeley, California
Qubit architectures Architecture III


Dr Takeshi Fukuhara (RIKEN CEMS)


Ultracold atoms, which are gaseous atoms cooled to the quantum regime by laser cooling and evaporative cooling, provide ideal platforms to study many-body quantum systems. Especially, such atoms loaded into in periodic potential (optical lattice) created by laser beams can be used to “simulate” fundamental condensed-matter models, such as the Hubbard model or the Heisenberg spin model. In this talk I explain ultracold atoms in optical lattices as a quantum simulator. I also report recent activities of our experiments with bosonic Rb atoms towards quantum simulation.

Primary author

Dr Takeshi Fukuhara (RIKEN CEMS)

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