Sensing II
- Stephanie Mack (UC Berkeley)
John Clarke
(University of California, Berkeley)
1/28/19, 9:30 AM
Quantum sensing
The Josephson tunnel junction consists of two superconductors separated by a thin insulating barrier through which, at low electrical currents, Cooper pairs of electrons can tunnel without producing a voltage. When the applied current is increased above a value known as the critical current, however, a voltage is developed. The dc Superconducting QUantum Interference Device (SQUID) consists of...
Aritoki Suzuki
(Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)
1/28/19, 10:10 AM
Quantum sensing
Transition edge sensors (TES) are work horses of physics experiments. In pursuit for more sensitivity, experiments such as Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) polarimetry experiments and neutrino-less double beta decay experiments are increasing number of sensors. As TES operate at sub-Kelvin temperature, highly multiplexed, low-noise and low power dissipation multiplex readout technique is a...
Gianpaolo Carosi
(Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab)
1/28/19, 10:35 AM
Quantum sensing
One of the most interesting problems in physics and cosmology today is what makes up dark matter. The QCD axion is a well motivated candidate and is predicted to be very light ($\mu$eV mass) and very cold, meaning it would interact more like a radio wave then an ionizing particle. The Axion Dark Matter Experiment (ADMX) uses the "haloscope technique" to search for axions resonantly converting...