Foundations of Quantum Computing
- Tetsuo Hatsuda (RIKEN)
Igor Markov
(University of Michigan)
26/01/2019, 11:30
Foundations of quantum computing
The leading candidate task for benchmarking quantum computers against classical computers
entails sampling from the output distribution defined by a random quantum circuit. We develop a massively-parallel simulation package that does not require inter-process communication (IPC) or proprietary hardware. We introduce two ways to trade circuit fidelity for computational speedups, so as to match...
Riccardo Manenti
26/01/2019, 12:15
Foundations of quantum computing
The immense power of quantum computation is illustrated by flagship quantum algorithms that solve problems, such as factoring, much more efficiently than classical algorithms. The building of a quantum device with error rates well below the fault-tolerance threshold poses a challenge to the implementation of these quantum algorithms on near-term devices. In this talk, I will present the...