Condensed Matter II
- Shubhayu Chatterjee (UC Berkeley)
Michael Fraser
1/27/19, 4:30 PM
Condensed matter applications
Emerging research in topological photonic systems promises new ways to control light flow without dissipation and the possibility of creating new functional photonic devices exploiting topology. Creating topological states in the microcavity exciton-polariton system would represent a topological photonic platform where interactions might further be used to control strongly-correlated...
Eli Rotenberg
1/27/19, 5:00 PM
Condensed matter applications
Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) is a premier tool for determining the charged excited states of quantum materials. It directly measures the single particle spectral function $A(k,\omega)$ that encodes the renormalized lifetime and energy of quasiparticle states as a function of momentum ($k$) and energy ($\omega$). ARPES is complementary to both scanning tunneling microscopy...
Dong Yu
(U.C. Davis)
1/27/19, 5:30 PM
Condensed matter applications
Excitons are spin integer particles that are predicted to condense into a coherent quantum state at sufficiently low temperature, and exciton condensates can be realized at much higher temperature than condensates of atoms because of strong Coulomb binding and small mass. Signatures of exciton condensation have been reported in double quantum wells, microcavities, graphene, and transition...