8:30 AM
Applied Sensitivity Studies
Robert Casperson
8:40 AM
LLNL Nuclear Data Survey
Teresa Bailey
8:45 AM
Covariance availability for neutron reaction data
Ian Thompson
8:50 AM
Integral Criticality Benchmarks and Nuclear Data
Catherine Percher
8:55 AM
LANL Light Element Evaluations
Mark Paris
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
9:00 AM
Evaluation Discussion
9:20 AM
GENESIS for Low-z
Darren Bleuel
9:25 AM
Inelastic Scattering with a Segmented Neutron/Gamma Calorimeter
Robert Casperson
9:30 AM
A 4-pi array for the inelastic scattering study
Ching-Yen Wu
9:35 AM
Uncertainties in Neutron Scattering Cross Sections
Matthew Devlin
9:40 AM
UMass Lowell Capabilities
Matthew Devlin
9:45 AM
The Gaerttner LINAC Center 1 Overview Of Experimental Nuclear Data Capabilities at RPI
Yaron Danon
9:55 AM
Neutron Experiments at Edwards Accelerator Laboratory at Ohio State
Alexander Voinov
(Ohio U)