Jun 13 – 17, 2022
Berkeley, CA
US/Pacific timezone

Nuclear moments of indium isotopes reveal abrupt change at magic number 82

Jun 16, 2022, 9:50 AM
Berkeley, CA

Berkeley, CA

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Oral Oral Presentations NS2022 Plenary


Adam Vernon (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)


In this contribution, we present measurements of the nuclear magnetic dipole moments and nuclear electric quadrupole moments of the 113-131In isotope chain, performed using the Collinear Resonance Laser Spectroscopy experiment at ISOLDE, CERN.

We show that the electromagnetic properties of the neutron-rich indium isotopes significantly differ at N = 82 compared to N < 82, despite the single unpaired proton dominating the behaviour of this complex many-body system. This challenges our previous understanding of these isotopes, which were considered a textbook example for the dominance of single-particle properties in nuclei [1, 2].

To investigate the microscopic origin of our experimental results, we performed a combined effort with developments in two complementary nuclear many-body methods: ab-initio valence space in-medium similarity normalization group [3,4] and density functional theory [5].

When compared with our experimental results, contributions from previously poorly constrained time-odd channels [6,7], and many-body currents [8] are found to be important, demonstrating electromagnetic properties of ‘proton-hole’ isotopes around magic shell closures at extreme proton-to-neutron ratios can give us crucial insights.

[1] - K. Heyde. The Nuclear Shell Model. Springer Series in Nuclear and Particle Physics. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1990.
[2] - J. Eberz et al. Nuclear Physics A, 464(1):9–28, 1987
[3] - R. Stroberg et al. Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science, 69(1), 2019.
[4] - P. Gysbers et al. Nature Physics, 15(5):428–431, 2019.
[5] - J. Dobaczewski et al. J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys., 48(10):102001, 2021.
[6] – J.Engel and J. Menéndez. Reports on Progress in Physics, 80(4):046301, 2017
[7] – J. Dobaczewski et al. Phys. Rev. Lett., 121:232501, 2018.
[8] - S. Pastore et al. Phys. Rev. C, 87:035503, 2013.

Primary author

Adam Vernon (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)


Ronald Fernando Garcia Ruiz (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Takayuki Miyagi (TRIUMF) Dr Cory Binnersley (The University of Manchester) Prof. Jonathan Billowes (The University of Manchester) Dr Mark Bissell (The University of Manchester) Dr Jeremy Bonnard (University of York) Thomas Cocolios (KU Leuven) Prof. J. Dobaczewski (Univ of York) Kieran Flanagan (7 - Photon Science Institute, The University of Manchester, CERN) Prof. Georgi Georgiev (French National Centre for Scientific Research ) Dr Wouter Gins (10Department of Physics, University of Jyväskylä, Finland) Ruben de Groote (KU Leuven) Dr Reinhart Hinke (EP Department, CERN) Jason Holt (TRIUMF/McGill) Agota Koszorús (KU Leuven) Dr David Leimbach (EN Department, CERN,) Dr Kara Lynch (CERN) Gerda Neyens (KU Leuven, CERN) Dr Ragnar Stroberg (University of Washington) Shane Wilkins (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Prof. Xiaofei Yang (Peking University) Dr Deyan Yordanov (Universite Paris-Saclay)

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