11:00 AM
Novel Approach for Improving Antineutrino Spectra Predictions for Nonproliferation Applications
Filip Kondev
11:10 AM
Improving the Nuclear Data on Fission Product Decays at CARIBU
Kay Kolos
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
11:20 AM
238U(p,xn) and 235U(d,xn) 235-237Np Nuclear Reaction Cross Sections Relevant to the Production of 236gNp
Andrew Voyles
11:30 AM
State-of-the-art Gamma-ray Spectroscopy to Enhance the ENSDF database
Libby McCutchan
11:40 AM
Beta-strength function, reactor decay heat, and anti-neutrino properties from total absorption spectroscopy of fission fragments
Krzysztof Rykaczewski
11:50 AM
Improving the 238U(n,n’) cross section using neutron-gamma coincidences
Lee Bernstein
Lee Bernstein
(University of California - Berkeley/LBNL)
12:00 PM
Integral Measurements of Independent and Cumulative Fission Product Yields Supporting Nuclear Forensics and Other Applications
Todd Bredeweg
12:10 PM
Evaluation of Energy Dependent Fission Product Yields
Toshihiko Kawano
12:20 PM
Measurement of Independent Fission Product Yields
Dana Duke
12:30 PM
Independent Fission Product Yields from 0.5 to 20 MeV
Jack Winkelbauer
12:40 PM
Energy Dependent Fission Product Yields
Anton Tonchev
12:50 PM
Modernization and Optimization of the Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File
Libby McCutchan
1:00 PM
Fission product yield measurements using 252Cf spontaneous fission and neutron-induced fission on actinide targets at CARIBU
Guy Savard
1:10 PM
Neutron Scattering Cross Sections: (n,n'), (n,n'g), and (n,g) Measurements
Jeffrey Vanhoy
1:20 PM
Scoping Study of the Impact of (alpha,n) Reactions and Yields of Nonproliferation Applications
Romano Cathy
1:30 PM
Assessment of Nuclear Data Needs for Neutron Active Interrogation
Seth McConchie